I’m New 

When are your Service Times?

Coming to a new church for the first time can be intimidating, which is why we try to make it as welcoming as possible for you. Currently, our Sunday Morning Worship Service begins at 10am and runs about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. 

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out prior to attending or introduce yourself to us after service. We would love to meet you! 

Where should I park? What door should I enter?

Guests may park anywhere in our parking lot. Some people prefer to enter at the front of the church that faces Pulaski Road, but most enter on the backside of our building through the west-facing entrance because it is closer to the parking lot.

What should I wear?

We welcome you to wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. For some folks at our church, that means dressing up, and for others, it means jeans and a t-shirt. Any style of dress is welcomed here. 

What’s there for my kids?

We have a nursery room available for children during our worship service. If you need help finding it, please ask at the welcome table.  As well, children are always welcome to stay with you during the worship service.

What are Sunday services like?

Trinity’s Sunday worship services feature both hymns and contemporary worship songs and use both traditional and contemporary liturgy. For example, you may hear a written prayer read during one part of the service, and later hear an extemporaneous prayer.  We seek to embrace a variety of styles that speak to the diversity of ways in which people worship God. Although we have a more structured service, we keep a spirit of freedom and openness to the Holy Spirit. You are welcome to worship however feels most comfortable - by sitting or standing, silently meditating or clapping and shouting “Amen!” and anything in between. 

What’s going on throughout the week?

We our ministry continues throughout the week with Noah's Ark Pre School.  The pre-school meets Monday through Friday in the building. 

Bible Study is held on Wednesday at both 1pm and 6:30pm. Each week is new session and you welcome to begin at anytime. 


In the ECC and at Trinity we practice open communion, which means that anyone who believes in Jesus can participate. We leave what age a child should partake in communion up to the individual families. Wherever you are in your walk with Jesus, you are welcome at the Table. Communion is shared the 1st Sunday every month.